






张文杰, 贾志伟, 李西斌. 铝酸钙水泥基复合材料固化/稳定化飞灰的加速老化试验. 岩土工程学报, 2024, 46(9): 2002-2009.

张文杰, 王仕方*, 余海生. 氧化还原电位对污染土固化体中砷浸出行为及长期稳定性的影响. 岩土工程学报, 2024, 46(5): 1039-1046.

张文杰, 金典, 郭兴璋. 碱激发高炉矿渣固化/稳定化Cr(VI)污染土试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2025

张文杰, 李西斌*, 黄津祥. 生物炭-铁锰氧化物复合材料修复As()污染土. 岩土工程学报, 2025

张文杰, 余海生, 蒋墨翰. 预氧化—稳定化—固化联合修复As(III)污染土. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(6): 1231-1239.

张文杰, 贾志伟, 秘永宝. 高压旋喷修复中水溶性药剂径向迁移规律研究. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(5): 1017-1023.

季永新,张文杰*, 黄津祥. As(V)在粉质黏土中的吸附性研究. 岩土工程学报, 2022, 44(12): 2206-2214.

张文杰, 蒋峰永. 可溶性有机质对土壤胶体可移动性影响试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(11):2013-2019.

季永新,张文杰*. 非饱和土中氯离子扩散规律的试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(9): 1755-1760.

张文杰, 李俊涛. 优先流作用下的胶体—重金属共迁移试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(1):46-52.

张文杰, 陈鲁, 严宏罡.填埋场内垃圾的持水特性和孔径分布研究. 岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(8).

张文杰, 严宏罡, 孙铖.城市生活垃圾中优先流规律的穿透试验研究.岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(7).

张文杰, 顾晨.低固结压力下土-膨润土防渗墙填料渗透和扩散系数测试.岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(10).

张文杰, 耿潇. 垃圾填埋场毛细阻滞型腾发封顶工作机理及性能分析. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(3): 454-459.

张文杰等. 黏土-膨润土屏障中氯离子对流扩散规律研究. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(11):2076-2081.

张文杰, 黄依艺,张改革. 填埋场污染物在有限厚度土层中一维对流-扩散-吸附解析解. 岩土工程学报. 2013,35(7):1197-1201

张文杰, 邱战洪, 朱成仁. 长三角地区填埋场ET封顶系统的性能评价. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(3): 384-389.

Wenjie Zhang, Dian Jin, Ji Yuan*. Speciation transformation and release of Cr(VI) in a GGBS-NaOH treated soil under acidic wet-dry cycle: Leaching characteristics and microscopic mechanisms. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024, 456: 142424

Wenjie Zhang, Haisheng Yu, Jinxiang Huang, Weiguo Jiao*. Influence of pH on the leaching behavior of a solidified arsenic contaminated soil. Environmental Technology, 2024, 45(21): 4169-4180

Shifang Wang, Wenjie Zhang *, Zhiwei Jia. Solidification/stabilization of waste incineration fly ash by modified calcium aluminate cement. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2024, 235, No.163

Wenjie Zhang *, Dian Jin, Xingzhang Guo, Xiang'ao Qin, Xiangning Liu. Geoenvironmental properties of a Cr(VI)-contaminated soil treated by alkali-activated GGBS under freeze-thaw cycles: Insights into Cr species transformation and microscopic mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 903, No.166450.

Haijie He, Shifang Wang, Wenming Shen, Wenjie Zhang*. The influence of pipe-jacking tunneling on deformation of existing tunnels in soft soils and the effectiveness of protection measures. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 42, 101061 (高被引).

Wenjie Zhang, Xiaobing Xu*. Experimental study on migration of chloride ion and cadmium ion in unsaturated soil. Environmental Geotechnics, 2023, 10(2):150-159.

Wenjie Zhang, Xingzhang Guo, Mohan Jiang. Influence of humic acid and bovine serum albumin on colloid-associated heavy metal transport in saturated porous media. Environmental Technology, 2023, 44: 3965-3974

Xingzhang Guo, Wenjie Zhang*, Haisheng Yu, Dian Jin. Reduction, stabilization, and solidification of Cr(VI) in contaminated soils with a sustainable by-product-based binder. Chemosphere, 2022, Aug 7, 135902

Wenjie Zhang, Mohan Jiang. Efficient remediation of heavily As(III)-contaminated soil using a pre-oxidation and stabilization/solidification technique. Chemosphere, 2022 July 6, 306, 135598

Wenjie Zhang, Jiaying Zhang. Measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient of sodium chloride in unsaturated soils based upon the electrical resistance method. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2022, 233, No.346

Wenjie Zhang, Yongbao Mi, Weiguo Jiao. Study on the migration mechanisms of water-soluble agents in high-pressure rotary jetting remediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2022, 21024

Yongxin.Ji, Wenjie Zhang*, Yu Xiao *, Hong Jiang, Liaoyu Ye. Combined Treatment of Cr(VI)-Contaminated Soils by Reduction, Adsorption, and Solidification. Sustainability, 2022, 14(14):8827.

Wenjie Zhang, Fengyong Jiang, Wenjing Sun. Investigating colloid-associated transport of cadmium and lead in a clayey soil under preferential flow conditions. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 84(9): 2486-2498.

Wenjing Sun, Xu G, Wei G, Wenjie Zhang*, Sun De’an. Effects of ammonium ion and bentonite content on permeability of bentonite-clay mixture. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80(4):15(1-10).

Jinxin Wang, Wenjie Zhang*. Evaluating the adsorption of Shanghai silty clay to Cd(II), Pb(II), As(V), and Cr(VI): kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic studies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021, 193, No. 131

Wenjing Sun, Mingyu Li,Wenjie Zhang*, Yunzhi Tan. Saturated permeability behavior of biochar-amended clay. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020,20(11):3875-3883

Wenjie Zhang, Mingfeng Lin. Influence of redox potential on leaching behavior of a solidified chromium contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,733, No.139410.

Xiaobing Xu, William Powrie, Wenjie Zhang*, David Stuart Holmes, Hui Xu, Richard Beaven. Experimental study of the intrinsic permeability of municipal solid waste. Waste Management. 2020,102:304-311.

Wenjie Zhang, Mingfeng Lin. Evaluating the dual porosity of landfilled municipal solid waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019,26(12):12080-12088.

Wenjie Zhang, Shanshan Yuan. Characterizing preferential flow in landfilled municipal solid waste. Waste Management.2019, 84:20-28.


2007/05-2010/02 上海大学土木系讲师

2010/03-2020/02 上海大学土木系副教授

2014/07-2015/08 美国科罗拉多州立大学访问学者

2020/03-2023/04 上海大学力学与工程科学学院教授

2023/04至今 伟德国际victor1946教授












1.国家自然科学基金面上项目. 基于氧化还原的砷、铬污染土稳定化—废渣固化联合处理(52478353),2025/01-2028/1257万,主持

2.浙江省建设厅. 基于废弃泥土资源化利用的流态型泡沫轻质固化土关键技术研究及工程示范,2023/11-2025/12,主持


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 包气带中重金属污染物迁移转化机理研究(41772300),2018/01-2021/1256万,主持

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 生活垃圾优先流特性及其对填埋场水分运移的影响研究(51478256),2015/01-2018/1285万,主持


4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,垃圾填埋场ET封顶的工作机理和性能评价数值模型研究(50908140),2010/01-2012/1220万,主持


张文杰, 贾志伟, 李西斌. 铝酸钙水泥基复合材料固化/稳定化飞灰的加速老化试验. 岩土工程学报, 2024, 46(9): 2002-2009.

张文杰, 王仕方*, 余海生. 氧化还原电位对污染土固化体中砷浸出行为及长期稳定性的影响. 岩土工程学报, 2024, 46(5): 1039-1046.

张文杰, 金典, 郭兴璋. 碱激发高炉矿渣固化/稳定化Cr(VI)污染土试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2025

张文杰, 李西斌*, 黄津祥. 生物炭-铁锰氧化物复合材料修复As()污染土. 岩土工程学报, 2025

张文杰, 余海生, 蒋墨翰. 预氧化—稳定化—固化联合修复As(III)污染土. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(6): 1231-1239.

张文杰, 贾志伟, 秘永宝. 高压旋喷修复中水溶性药剂径向迁移规律研究. 岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(5): 1017-1023.

季永新,张文杰*, 黄津祥. As(V)在粉质黏土中的吸附性研究. 岩土工程学报, 2022, 44(12): 2206-2214.

张文杰, 蒋峰永. 可溶性有机质对土壤胶体可移动性影响试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(11):2013-2019.

季永新,张文杰*. 非饱和土中氯离子扩散规律的试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2021, 43(9): 1755-1760.

张文杰, 李俊涛. 优先流作用下的胶体—重金属共迁移试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(1):46-52.

张文杰, 陈鲁, 严宏罡.填埋场内垃圾的持水特性和孔径分布研究. 岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(8).

张文杰, 严宏罡, 孙铖.城市生活垃圾中优先流规律的穿透试验研究.岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(7).

张文杰, 顾晨.低固结压力下土-膨润土防渗墙填料渗透和扩散系数测试.岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(10).

张文杰, 耿潇. 垃圾填埋场毛细阻滞型腾发封顶工作机理及性能分析. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(3): 454-459.

张文杰等. 黏土-膨润土屏障中氯离子对流扩散规律研究. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(11):2076-2081.

张文杰, 黄依艺,张改革. 填埋场污染物在有限厚度土层中一维对流-扩散-吸附解析解. 岩土工程学报. 2013,35(7):1197-1201

张文杰, 邱战洪, 朱成仁. 长三角地区填埋场ET封顶系统的性能评价. 岩土工程学报, 2009, 31(3): 384-389.

Wenjie Zhang, Dian Jin, Ji Yuan*. Speciation transformation and release of Cr(VI) in a GGBS-NaOH treated soil under acidic wet-dry cycle: Leaching characteristics and microscopic mechanisms. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024, 456: 142424

Wenjie Zhang, Haisheng Yu, Jinxiang Huang, Weiguo Jiao*. Influence of pH on the leaching behavior of a solidified arsenic contaminated soil. Environmental Technology, 2024, 45(21): 4169-4180

Shifang Wang, Wenjie Zhang *, Zhiwei Jia. Solidification/stabilization of waste incineration fly ash by modified calcium aluminate cement. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2024, 235, No.163

Wenjie Zhang *, Dian Jin, Xingzhang Guo, Xiang'ao Qin, Xiangning Liu. Geoenvironmental properties of a Cr(VI)-contaminated soil treated by alkali-activated GGBS under freeze-thaw cycles: Insights into Cr species transformation and microscopic mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 903, No.166450.

Haijie He, Shifang Wang, Wenming Shen, Wenjie Zhang*. The influence of pipe-jacking tunneling on deformation of existing tunnels in soft soils and the effectiveness of protection measures. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 42, 101061 (高被引).

Wenjie Zhang, Xiaobing Xu*. Experimental study on migration of chloride ion and cadmium ion in unsaturated soil. Environmental Geotechnics, 2023, 10(2):150-159.

Wenjie Zhang, Xingzhang Guo, Mohan Jiang. Influence of humic acid and bovine serum albumin on colloid-associated heavy metal transport in saturated porous media. Environmental Technology, 2023, 44: 3965-3974

Xingzhang Guo, Wenjie Zhang*, Haisheng Yu, Dian Jin. Reduction, stabilization, and solidification of Cr(VI) in contaminated soils with a sustainable by-product-based binder. Chemosphere, 2022, Aug 7, 135902

Wenjie Zhang, Mohan Jiang. Efficient remediation of heavily As(III)-contaminated soil using a pre-oxidation and stabilization/solidification technique. Chemosphere, 2022 July 6, 306, 135598

Wenjie Zhang, Jiaying Zhang. Measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient of sodium chloride in unsaturated soils based upon the electrical resistance method. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2022, 233, No.346

Wenjie Zhang, Yongbao Mi, Weiguo Jiao. Study on the migration mechanisms of water-soluble agents in high-pressure rotary jetting remediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2022, 21024

Yongxin.Ji, Wenjie Zhang*, Yu Xiao *, Hong Jiang, Liaoyu Ye. Combined Treatment of Cr(VI)-Contaminated Soils by Reduction, Adsorption, and Solidification. Sustainability, 2022, 14(14):8827.

Wenjie Zhang, Fengyong Jiang, Wenjing Sun. Investigating colloid-associated transport of cadmium and lead in a clayey soil under preferential flow conditions. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 84(9): 2486-2498.

Wenjing Sun, Xu G, Wei G, Wenjie Zhang*, Sun De’an. Effects of ammonium ion and bentonite content on permeability of bentonite-clay mixture. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80(4):15(1-10).

Jinxin Wang, Wenjie Zhang*. Evaluating the adsorption of Shanghai silty clay to Cd(II), Pb(II), As(V), and Cr(VI): kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic studies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021, 193, No. 131

Wenjing Sun, Mingyu Li,Wenjie Zhang*, Yunzhi Tan. Saturated permeability behavior of biochar-amended clay. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020,20(11):3875-3883

Wenjie Zhang, Mingfeng Lin. Influence of redox potential on leaching behavior of a solidified chromium contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,733, No.139410.

Xiaobing Xu, William Powrie, Wenjie Zhang*, David Stuart Holmes, Hui Xu, Richard Beaven. Experimental study of the intrinsic permeability of municipal solid waste. Waste Management. 2020,102:304-311.

Wenjie Zhang, Mingfeng Lin. Evaluating the dual porosity of landfilled municipal solid waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019,26(12):12080-12088.

Wenjie Zhang, Shanshan Yuan. Characterizing preferential flow in landfilled municipal solid waste. Waste Management.2019, 84:20-28.